It is amazing to me how quickly I forgot the intensely sick feeling I get when Cal is very sick. There is a complete loss of control and the fact that I truly cannot help my child some days really sinks in. I also forgot how many people surrounded us with love and prayers. I got so many texts, messages and comments asking how we were, were we home yet, is everything ok. It was great and I showed them all to Cal and his shiny sick boy eyes were happy!
I am a great person to be around in a crisis. I say this not to brag, but because many people wonder why I do not react. I don't really know, but I am pretty good at staying very, very calm in the midst of a scary or intense situation. After the crisis has passed and you are supposed to deal with what happened- not so good at that!! :) Last night I got a text from a friend "are you home yet?" Of course my answer was no and in typical non processing fashion I tried to change the subject. The next message was "But are you safe?" that almost broke the "no crying in front of the baby" rule. I am not sure why those 4 little words meant so much to me. Maybe because they saw through the subject change, or they meant someone else really cared, maybe I was just tired...
I am safe, we are loved, and I am so happy to be coming home today. Thank you all for your love and prayers. It is appreciated more than you can know and I'm starting to wonder if we should give up camping...
I love my sister! Cannot wait to go to chip n cheese with my family! :)