Sunday, August 5, 2012

Daughter of my Heart

When I was prego with Cal I thought I wanted a little girl. I had a name and everything...Savannah Jeanne. Amazing right?!? Then Cal was a boy so that was that. Once Cal was born, I knew, almost instantly, I would never have another baby. The little girl that I thought I wanted would never be, and that was ok. I hear girls are more trouble anyways. :)
A daughter of my own wasn't in the plan, but 13 years ago I got the honor and privilege of taking on someone else's daughter. I got to watch her grow and mature. I got to help guide her in life and watch a chubby little girl blossom into a beautiful young lady. I held her when life was hard and did my best to explain the hurt she felt from decisions she had no part in. She was the daughter of my heart, but she was never mine to keep. She was only mine to borrow and I am so grateful for the time I got to spend "raising" my little neighbor girl. I miss her terribly as life has taken her down a different road. She will always be my little girl and the daughter of my heart.

I love you my sweet girl and I pray life brings you all the happiness you are searching for...

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